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AgriTech in the East of England

June 2024

This short paper provides an overview of the AgriTech sector in the East of England and a summary of the discussion from a recent event about AgriTech, hosted by the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in Cambridge.

A Life science's strategy for the East

June 2024

The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the important clusters in Cambridge,
Norwich and Stevenage and how they can form the basis for a regional Life Science Strategy
creating investment, jobs, and growth for the East of England and UK PLC.

Life sciences industries are one of the nation’s key strategic sectors where the UK has a clear
longstanding strength and comparative advantage. It was worth over £94 billion to the UK
economy in 2021, a 9% increase on the year before, and projected to grow globally.

Manifesto for the East

June 5th 2024 - EPH Manifesto - The Eastern Powerhouse is publicly declaring our position and recommendations for the New government. Eastern Powerhouse's 'Manifesto for the East' This is the first ever regional manifesto focused on the key economic challenges facing the region and the policy solutions that can unlock growth, including:

The Green Economy in the East of England

December 2023

This paper provides a brief overview of the green economy in the East of England, the policy context in which this is emerging, and recommendations for a coordinated approach to its further development.

State of the Region 2023 - Falling Behind and Not Catching Up

November 2023

Our first annual economic monitor of the East, with an analysis on the challenges that need to be addressed on a regional level

Briefing Note - Our Aims

March 2022

The East needs a strong regional voice or it will continue to go unheard and miss out on vital investment.

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