We have a clear vision – The Institute of Directors is the professional institute for responsible directors and leaders. Our mission is to develop, support and represent skilled, knowledgeable and responsible leaders for the benefit of the economy and society at large. Integrity and Enterprise are our core values.
The objects of the institute are:
To promote for the public benefit high levels of skill, knowledge, professional competence and integrity on the part of directors, and equivalent office holders however described, of companies and other organisations.
To promote the study, research and development of the law and practice of Corporate Governance, and to publish, disseminate or otherwise make available the useful results of such study or research.
To represent the interests of members and of the business community to government and in the public arena, and to encourage and foster a climate favourable to entrepreneurial activity and wealth creation.
To advance the interests of members of the Institute, and to provide facilities, services and benefits for them.