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East Cambridgeshire District Council

East Cambridgeshire is a predominantly rural district located to the north-east of Cambridge. The district covers an area of 65,172ha and has a population of 88,000. Housing growth over the past two years has been circa 2%. This is exceptionally high for any district nationally and especially so for a ‘rural’ district. The Council is in a sound financial position, with a balanced budget and no debt or external borrowing.

The council's Corporate Plan sets out what it will achieve between 2023 and 2027. There are three corporate objectives:

  • Sound financial management

  • Cleaner, greener East      Cambridgeshire

  • Sustainable communities

Under these objectives are a set of priorities and actions which the council will achieve by the end of 2027.

East Cambridgeshire District Council is a pro-growth and ambition council, but it isn’t just about housing numbers. It is about providing the infrastructure necessary to accommodate growth. We are committed to place making and our communities are at the heart of this. We believe in creating spaces that enable people to live and work locally.

The Council supports communities who wish to set up new Community Land Trusts (CLTs) and supports existing CLTs. To date the delivery of 931 dwellings is attribute to community-led development.

The Council also has a £100k Homes scheme. £100k Homes are new-build 100% owned, one bedroom properties, available to buy at a discounted market rate of £100,000, aimed at giving people who live or work in East Cambridgeshire a genuinely affordable step onto the housing ladder.

In 2016, the council established East Cambs Trading Company through which it has delivered 170 homes, 44 of which are affordable units delivered through Community Land Trusts (CLTs) enabling people to live and work locally.

Since February 2013, we have raised £34.67m through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which we invest to provide infrastructure that is needed to support new housing. Projects supported to date include new schools, Ely Southern Bypass, new and enhanced recreations grounds, refurbishments of a GP surgery and improvements to community facilities.

The Council continues to work with partners to deliver improvements to our active travel infrastructure and public transport services. We also support improvements to road and rail infrastructure including the A14/A142 junction upgrade and the A10 Ely to A14 improvement scheme, Soham Railway Station phase 2 and Ely North junction upgrade, ensuring a road and rail solution is delivered.


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